recent snapshots

Fearless Leader

Dusty & Voco

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The view from the elevator, 4th floor lobby, 211 Sutter Street

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His Bearness

The Gold (Acapulco) Years

The always ready Congress of Wonders


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Ben interviews Art                                                                                                                                  O'Hair & McQueen hard at work


Bob Postle cues one up in Production

Ain't he cute!

Here's looking at you, Kid!

A typical working day at KSAN

Is that a coke or a toke?

Goldie, Edward Bear, Voco, Dusty, Stefan Ponek with wife & child

photo by Bob Simmons
Bonnie & Tom discuss programming policy at Golden Gate Fields

photo by Chuck Krall

David Forman and Bobby Cole (Canadian artist maybe?)

David, Zohn Artman, Beaver, Helen, Rick having fun yet

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Close encounters with Vicky & Bob, Bonnie & Terry

Kenny Wardell interviews John Mayall 1973
(with the mysterious Cynthia Bowman)
See more of Chuck Krall's photography here.

Kate, Fred, Zwol, CJ

Debra Magness, Sean, Buzzy & Diedre Donahue, Travus

Where is Congress when we need them?

Tony Mottola, John Oates, Bonnie, Marcia Stessman, Daryl Hall, David Newmark


Thom, Bonnie, Elvin Bishop

Bobby Cole w/ Ron Wood

Bob Simmons, David Rubinson, Hoodoos

Budd & Bonn

John Belushi, Bill Graham, Jim Draper

Buzzy & Tom

Control room blackboard, 211 Sutter, 1974

Control Room garbage can 211 Sutter

Control Room Boss

Nemo                    Dusty                    Larry

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Bonnie 1970

Dennis, Sammy, Ben, Miles, Craig, Bonnie, Paul, Norton

The Man with the "Golden Hits"

Da Bosses tags

staff meeting?

Phil Buchanan & Char

fun with Bonnie, Dave & Bob at the circus

Santa Bob cops a feel

Norman, Charlie Daniels, Lobster, Bill McKeon

Ever heard of Anton Mesmer?

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Dusty and Buzzy

?  ?  ?  Ed Ely, Vicki Cunningham, ?

Richard with the Runaways and David Forman

Johnny Barbis, Rock Scully, Joshua, Dave Sholin, Bob Weir, Bobby Ocean

McQueen cogitates (or is he rolling one?)

The Jivers! ball team: names here

Photo by Chuck Krall

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Support anarchy, join this club!

                                Hadwig at the helm

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Waiting for my man

the experts: Larry Lee, McClay, Phil Buchanan, Richard Gossett, Bonnie Simmons

Paul Rose, CJ, Peter Wolf, Norm Winer, promo guy

Fred Greene, Bonnie, Bob McClay at the Sansome St. studios


Norm & Beverly                                      T.K & Bobby

   Big Daddy at the Record Plant


       Buzzy digs Phil Upchurch                          What's in the bag, Bob?

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Sex Pistols Jones & Cook visit "The Outcastes"

photo by Chuck Krall
                               Jive Strike Team more strike team photos

Harry Nilsson offers a toast

Bonnie, Raechel & Buzzy on the Women's Show

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Norman gets rare bootleg from Cheap Trick backstage at the Old Waldorf 


            Ben & Scoop                                                                                                         Bob & Jack

                                                     (see more shots of Bob in the McClay Gallery)

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Norman, Rick, David & Nemo with Iggy & friend

Nice beard.

Nice board (Sansome Street)

Harry Chapin sits in with Norman

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united we stond

Prayer meeting 1976: McClay, O'Hair, Wild Bill Scott & Norman

Capen & Selvin

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Greenn, Stuntt & Winerr

Capen & Pierre Rrrohbair send regards to L. Nuclear Warhead

Jim Draper's party on 20th St. 1980

Capen and Pam the pig

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Stefan & Bobby at McClay's wake                                                                                                  Simmons reunion at SXSW


      Bobby Cole, Richard Gossett & Beverly Wilshire at KUSF reunion 1992

Norman, Beverly & Christie Joy, same reunion

Kate, Jane & Bones 2003

Scoop and friend

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