Barbara Pedrick remembers

(At KMPX) I worked with Howard Hessman (Don Sturdy,) Milan Melvin, Tom Donahue, Bob McClay, Bob Prescott, Morgan Upton and all the rest who were there at that time. I am in some of the photos as "unknown engineer". My name at the time was Barbara Blied. I had come straight from New York as a friend of Ed Bear's and I remember that Buzzy was puzzled by my use of green eye make up. It was a style I gladly and quickly dropped in the relaxed atmosphere of the west coast. And then I dyed my bleached blonde hair back to its more natural dark blonde. On my first engineering shift with the dark hair, Milan Melvin glanced up through the glass between the engineer and the announcer, did a double take, and then told me immediately that I looked great!

The entire experience  was fascinating and certainly Milan Melvin was one of the nicest people I have ever met and Dusty Street one of the most interesting. I remember going to Samurai movies with Dusty. That was one of her passions. I remember Linda Bacon's seed butter cookies. 

It was a wonderful time and a good place to work and learn about friendship and community. What I remember about the strike was the complete fairness of all the arrangements. The Beatles sent us Magical Mystery Tour to show for a benefit. It had not been released in the US at that time. Bill Graham did a concert at Winterland for us. The next day we had breakfast all together at Enrico's and Milan and Tom fairly divvied out the cash. Then someone took our photo. I have a copy of that photo on my piano. Soon after that we went to KSAN.