For anyone whose childhood was shaped by fantasy and hours being lost in books, Machu Picchu is fantasy become reality. Being there was as if I were in Shangri La, or if one is more of a movie buff, seeing the 1937 movie adaptation, "Lost Horizon".
It's covered in clouds a lot as the peaks
surrounding it are 12 to 14,000 feet with glaciers on the tops of some
mountain peaks. One never knows when it wil rain. It's a bit like
the fog rolling into San Francisco on a summer afternoon, it just pushes
through and over the hills very quickly. But it was warm the two days I
was there and relatively sunny.
The train into the town on the Urubamba River called Aguas Callientes (yes it
has hot springs) is the only method of transportation. There are only
three trains daily in and three out. The average Peruvian can not afford
to go see the remains of their indigenous culture (I Iearned that talking to a
university graduate shopgirl at a jewelry store in Cusco). Not only is the
train fare more than the average working person can afford, but the entrance
fee into Machu Picchi is $25. So they must be content with pictures.
One can walk the Inca trail into Machu Picchu over a period of 4-5 days Our
tour guide said unless you are in REALLY good shape, it's terribly hard and
some people give up crying and need to be cajoled into sticking it out.
Now the government has regulated the number of tourists allowed to do this and
they must be accompanied by a professional guide.
All I can say is I burst into tears upon seeing it. Photos