
                     OUR PILOT

 Tom Donahue conceived the idea the Jive 95 while

       he was sitting around one night in the

    late sixties with Raechel and some friends,

      listening to a Doors album.  He asked,

 "Why isn't there a radio station that plays this

                                                           kind of music?"

                                                                   A light bulb went on inside his head. The next day

                                                                    he started calling FM stations in San Francisco and

                                                                             when he found one that had recently had its

                                                      phone disconnected  he told Raechel,

                                       "This is it!"

                                             The station was KMPX and before long, Tom and a crew of zany,

                                                     stoned-out radio freaks had taken over.

                                   It was the first time any station featured long sets of music and

                                         album tracks that weren't necessarily hits.

        Disc Jockeys were encouraged to do weird and outrageous things on the air

They were given the freedom to play and say nearly anything they wanted to

             and the idea caught on like free candy. Soon KMPX had the youth of San Francisco

                     tuned in and paying close attention. After a few months, the KMPX owners and

                                       Tom disagreed over the format and when they tried to institute some

                                  "controls" over program content, Tom and the staff went on strike.

                                The strike was resolved when Tom convinced Metromedia Broadcasting,

                                a multiple station owner headquartered in New York, to let him and

                                 his crew of outcasts take over what had been classical station KEAR.

             The new call letters were KSAN, once owned by an am station that catered tO

African-Americans, and for the next ten years, the lead station in a radio revolution that

changed the way America thought and lived.

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"I recall on meeting Tom for the first time that it was much better than the first time I got laid."  Howard Hesseman

Tom's bio by Bob McClay

Joel Selvin's tribute

John Wasserman's report on Tom's wake

Tom's memos


Stories of Tom (audio not available at this time)

  Alan Stone
  Dusty Street 
  Dusty again
  Stefan Ponek
  Thom O'Hair

Bob Postle recalls meeting Tom